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WinZip Pro v22.0 Build 12670

هو المنافس الاول و الاشرس للبرنامج الشهير WinRAR برنامج رهيب فى قدراته وامكاناته فى ضغط الملفات فى صور متعددة وبكفاءة متناهية يمكنك من عمل باسورد للملفات وإضافة ملفات نصيه بحقوقك الشخصية إلخ .. البرنامج مصنف كأفضل برنامج غير مجانى لضغط الملفات فى العالم
WinZip - the most trusted way to work with compressed files. No other compression utility is as easy-to-use or offers the comprehensive and productivity-enhancing approach that has made WinZip the gold standard for file-compression tools. With the new WinZip 17, you can quickly and securely zip and unzip files to conserve storage space, speed up e-mail transmission, and reduce download times. State-of-the-art file compression, strong AES encryption, compatibility with more compression formats, and new intuitive photo compression, make WinZip 17 the complete compression and archiving solution. Building on the favorite features of a worldwide base of several million users, WinZip 17 adds new features for image compression and management, support for new compression methods, improved compression performance, support for additional archive formats, and more. Users can work faster, smarter, and safer
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